What is Orthodontics?

Orthodontic treatment is a way of straightening or moving teeth to improve the smile and the way they work. Orthodontic treatment can also improve the long-term health of the teeth, gums and jaw joints.

    What does treatment involve?

    Treatment involves wearing a brace or orthodontic appliances, such as fixed braces, which come in stainless steel, tooth coloured and lingual braces, which are “invisible”. There are also removable braces, functional braces (twin blocks) and clear removable aligners.


      Orthodontic treatment may involve extractions to create space if the teeth are crowded or if they stick out. We only request extractions if there is no alternative.

        Will I wear elastics?

        Sometimes patients need to wear elastics to correct the bite, and sometimes we may ask you to wear elastics instead of extractions. If you do not wear your elastics, we may have to resort to extractions instead.

          What are retainers

          After the brace is finished, you will be given retainers to keep the teeth straight. The retainers will be either bonded onto your teeth on the inside so as not to be seen, or they will be removable and worn only at night time. Without retainers, the teeth will move back.

            Common FAQs

            What is the Duration of Braces?

            Braces are usually worn for one to two years. Owing to the constraints of the NHS, we cannot remove the brace or complete treatment in less than one year.

            How Often do I need to Visit?

            Visits are usually arranged every six weeks. All appointments are during school hours, so please make sure you let your teacher know and arrange to catch up with any missed work.

            What are the Risks?

            There is a small risk of damage to the roots and the vitality of the teeth as a result of orthodontic tooth movement. The risks are small but worth considering. For this reason, we would not recommend treatment where the dental irregularity is minimal. The benefits of treatment have to outweigh the risks. If you have any concerns, please discuss this with your orthodontist.

            How Should I Brush Teeth and Balance Diet?

            Your tooth brushing should be excellent and fizzy drinks and sweets must be kept to an absolute minimum. Patients who don’t brush well usually end up with decay or white/brown marks on their front teeth after treatment, as a result of plaque accumulation and sugar in the diet.


              Wearing braces is a big commitment. The whole family should be aware of the input required to complete orthodontic treatment successfully. If you cannot commit, you really shouldn’t start.

                Orthodontic Treatments in Glasgow

                Learn more about the orthodontic treatments that we offer.

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